Month: September 2014

Marsvine, LEGO, and HC Andersen…Oh my!
architecture . art . billund . Denmark . design . LEGO . LEGOLAND . Middelfart . museum . Thoughts . Travel . whaleSo…I’ve been quite busy running around Denmark these past couple weeks. I’ve had lots to do, and have been kept very busy. Two Fridays ago, on the 12th, I went to go see Christian and Sophie in a school production of Odysseus Rejse. Contrary to the sweltering heat from being packed into small unventilated rooms
Denmark Diaries: A Busy Week, Indeed!
architecture . church . Denmark . design . kirke . Middelfart . skagen . Travel . vejle . vikingMy week has been busy to say the least, and perhaps a little chaotic. Last Wednesday (the 3rd of September) , after sitting in a meeting that had me staying later at the office than intended, I returned to my desk to gather my things and a rather excited Lars approached me. Carsten S. (Rotary Club
Denmark Diaries: Long Overdue
castle . church . Copenhagen . Denmark . guard . jelling . king . kirke . koldinghus . Middelfart . palace . palisade . royal family . Thoughts . Travel . vikingHello everyone, This is a post long overdue. My weeks have been busy. I’ve been working mostly, but also some exploring and traveling tossed into the mix. So let’s start with the former: Work has been really great. I’ve been designing a 80-something page employee handbook. Well, it was 80-something pages when I started, but