Month: September 2015

Written by Elissa Ebersold on September 22, 2015
Iceland Round 2: The Mountain Is A Lie
geology . Iceland . mountains . Thoughts . Travel . viking . volcano . waterfallsHello readers (if any of you still exist), Happy planes Sorry in advance. I don’t have a ton of pictures to include in my journal, just what has essentially been uploaded to Facebook….As always, click on the photos to see them larger. Anyway, what a fun couple of days it has been. On Friday the
Written by Elissa Ebersold on September 15, 2015
On The Road Again (or Rather, an Airplane)
Blue Lagoon . England . Iceland . London . Reykjavik . Travel . United KingdomHello readers (if any of you still remain), I would say “It’s that time of year again”….but is it? I guess it is, but only for the second year in a row (Can we make this an annual thing?!). My adventures abroad continue in a two-week (much deserved) vacation…yes, vacation this time. No work, just