Category: Thoughts

Iceland Round 2: The Mountain Is A Lie
geology . Iceland . mountains . Thoughts . Travel . viking . volcano . waterfallsHello readers (if any of you still exist), Happy planes Sorry in advance. I don’t have a ton of pictures to include in my journal, just what has essentially been uploaded to Facebook….As always, click on the photos to see them larger. Anyway, what a fun couple of days it has been. On Friday the
To Denmark, With Love: A Reflection
architecture . art . billund . church . Copenhagen . Denmark . design . food . graphic design . LEGO . life . Middelfart . Thoughts . Travel . workDear Denmark, I say this time and time again, if six months ago you had asked me if I thought I would be here, if I could do this, I would have instantly told you no. But now it feels like just yesterday I stepped off that plane, shaking and sick to my stomach. My

Marsvine, LEGO, and HC Andersen…Oh my!
architecture . art . billund . Denmark . design . LEGO . LEGOLAND . Middelfart . museum . Thoughts . Travel . whaleSo…I’ve been quite busy running around Denmark these past couple weeks. I’ve had lots to do, and have been kept very busy. Two Fridays ago, on the 12th, I went to go see Christian and Sophie in a school production of Odysseus Rejse. Contrary to the sweltering heat from being packed into small unventilated rooms
Denmark Diaries: Long Overdue
castle . church . Copenhagen . Denmark . guard . jelling . king . kirke . koldinghus . Middelfart . palace . palisade . royal family . Thoughts . Travel . vikingHello everyone, This is a post long overdue. My weeks have been busy. I’ve been working mostly, but also some exploring and traveling tossed into the mix. So let’s start with the former: Work has been really great. I’ve been designing a 80-something page employee handbook. Well, it was 80-something pages when I started, but
Denmark Diaries: A Week of Danish Culture
architecture . Denmark . design . food . Middelfart . Thoughts . TravelHi! As always, apologize for the poor layout… Well, I’ve been in Denmark a week. I spent my last couple days trying to catch up on sleep, not freak out, and figure out my life here. So far it’s been pretty nice, and pretty different. But I’ll start with my departure from Iceland. I had
Reykjavik Diary Day 2: Ow, I’ve got volcano in my eye!
architecture . Blue Lagoon . church . Denmark . food . Iceland . museum . Reykjavik . Thoughts . TravelHello friends, Here begins day two of my travels in Iceland, with pictures! Same disclaimer as last time: make sure you click on the photos to see them in larger detail! And I’m really sorry for the mess this blog is visually, I’m not going to spend time trying to fix the layout. 🙁 HDR
Reykjavik Diary: Day 1 “Of course I like this job, I get undress a lot of lovely ladies!”
architecture . church . food . Iceland . Reykjavik . Silfra . snorkel . Thoughts . Travel . volcano . whaleHi there! For ease, make sure you click on the photos to see them in larger detail! And I’m really sorry for the mess this blog is visually, I’m not going to spend time trying to fix the layout. 🙁 Sunset Now that I’ve sat down and had a little time to edit some photos,
Reykjavik Observations Day 2
Iceland . Reykjavik . Thoughts . TravelOh, look, yet another post where I attempt to describe my surroundings and observations in vague, yet informative ways without photos. Hmmm, where to start. Well, today I ventured out the the touristy attraction of Blue Lagoon. It was interesting. I had never been to a spa before, so I didn’t know what to expect,
Reykjavik: An Overall Observation Day 1
Iceland . Reykjavik . Thoughts . TravelIt’s difficult to write a blog post about your travels when you’re presently lacking a way to include photos, so I’ll just do my general thought on the Reykjavik area until I can write up a proper picture-loaded entry. Reykjavik is young. It has a short history,as my shuttle driver this morning told me. It