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Stay tuned. Coming soon! Matt is stretched thin; torn between his job and his family. As he drives home from a work trip, he takes a detour which sends him down a dark road and threatens to take him away from his family… forever. 

Written by Elissa Ebersold
Co-Authored by Elissa & Cameron Ebersold. Edited by Jared Gould.

A young, lonely homeowner discovers that they are not alone in their house. Rather than being scared of their newfound house guests, the narrator befriends the voices that have now become a part of the daily routine. 

Performed by the cast of The NoSleep Podcast on S12E5. (Voices of Jessica McEvoy, Nichole Goodnight, Erika Sanderson. Executive Producer David Cummings, Adapted by Phil Michalski, Music by Brandon Boone. ) Story begins at 54:50.